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Group of women meeting in a conference room



The purpose of our research is to promote healing and thriving in children and youth. We focus on the experiences of young people, how those experiences are related to their needs and their strengths, and what aspects of our public systems and communities can better support safe, happy futures for children and youth. 


Our research is informed by our direct services, by helping children and youth build resilience in the face of adversity and toxic stress. In addition to improving our own work with children and youth, our research informs our trainings and our advocacy on behalf of young people at the local, state, and national levels.

Young man wearing headphones walking through busy city
Girl on stool looking at library shelf


Our areas of expertise include trauma, youth strengths, mental health needs, team-based service delivery, and best practices for early identification and intervention for youth experiencing exploitation.

Our team has a breadth of experience in multiple research methodologies, including qualitative and quantitative methods, and we tailor our methods to the research questions at hand. We strive to include individuals with lived experiences as partners in our work. Understanding how law, policy, and practice impact a community is critical to our process. We aim to conduct research that reflects a relevant, substantive, and equitable vision of how to improve public systems and foster healthy communities.


For our internal evaluation work, our data comes from our operations and encounters with clients. Internal evaluations ensure that we meet the highest standards for our client care.


For our external research, our data come from our own experiences with clients and from those of our partners. Our data sources include the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths instrument (CANS); the Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT); and original data collection with respondents. We regularly develop new instruments for surveys, focus groups, and interviews.

Woman holding baby
Full list of publications below:

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSE)








Mental Health Outcomes






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